Western Port Ward

Your vote matters. Local council elections are your chance to choose who you want to represent your community on the issues that you care about.

On each candidate’s individual page you will find:

  • Their Candidate Statement as provided to the VEC
  • Their response to the question from the VEC “What is your vision for the municipality of Bass Coast Shire Council?”

Click on their name for these details.

TEMBY, JonJon Temby0439 441 264jontembyforbasscoast@gmail.com
HALSTEAD, RochelleRochelle Halstead0409 535 619halsteadrochelle08@gmail.com
MINTY, GlendaGlenda Minty0459 105 062glendaminty2@gmail.com
O’FARRELL, BrianBrian O’FarrellBrianofarrell4Westernport@gmail.com
SCHELLEKENS, NikoleNikole Schellekensnikole.basscoast@gmail.com
THOMPSON, JanJanice Thompson0408 343 456thompsonjanice@hotmail.com