
Q. How will you provide a museum space that can display the Island’s historic artefacts?

Ron BauerThe current layout of the cultural centre is inefficient. There is no doubt  that the space could be better used for the various community groups. 
John TrigtDifficult question the original concept plans for the new Cowes Cultural Centre (Berninneit) included a museum.  I believe bass Coast council will have an option to develop the back entrance area in to a museum or purchase a suitable site.
Marnie ChadwickI support a museum, surely some space can be found in berninneit to display what we have.
Tracey BellAlready answered at Meet the Candidates.  There’s a lot of wasted space in Berninneit that could be utilised.
David RooksWe have a museum space that displays some of the Island’s historic artefacts.  However, there may be opportunities to display more, and I’d be interested to hear from the Phillip Island and District Historic Society and general community to see what they want in this area.
Darrell SilvaMy suggestion is to examine the use of the cavernous space within the cultural centre to see how it could be better used.  Some options:
• Council engage the local Historical Society to get their opinion;
• The Council could take a lead from museums elsewhere and perhaps hold rotating exhibitions in temporary or fixed rooms in the cultural centre;
• The Council could employ the use of other civic buildings to hold some exhibitions (PICAL, Health Hub or Information Centres perhaps?)
Tim O’BrienDid not send a response.