
Q. Do you believe we should be commissioning new artwork to go in Berninneit, when we cannot display existing artwork?

Ron BauerWe have a proud history. We have important pieces that were in the old Cultural centre being stored far away from home. There is a place for new artworks as time goes on, but I do not believe that should be dictated by Wonthaggi.  
John TrigtThe short answer is NO we need to establish the Berninneit centre for Phillip Island and Shire artifacts as the centre belongs to Phillip Island before being used for other things. Our memorability should be on permanent display, not store them away or display them at local Schools.
Marnie ChadwickWe must display our existing, historical artwork first and then commission new.
Tracey BellAlready answered at Meet the Candidates. I’d have to find out why the existing artwork cannot be displayed to understand whether commissioning new artwork is necessary or not.  
David RooksI need more information before having a position on this statement.  
Darrell SilvaNew buildings probably deserve appropriate artwork, often new commissions. However, ignoring the existence of historical artefacts and artwork is a disservice to those that have made previous contributions to the culture of our community.  Visiting the Council Chambers in Wonthaggi illustrated the lack of value attached to historical artefacts by the current Council.  There was no ‘Honour Roll” or pictures of previous mayors or office bearers adorning the walls.  Where is the history, not just of Phillip Island, but of the broader shire? If elected to Council I would advocate for a change to include the exhibition of prior artwork and historical artefacts, not just in the cultural centre, but also relevant works within the Council Chambers. • The Council could take a lead from museums elsewhere and perhaps hold rotating exhibitions in temporary or fixed rooms in the cultural centre
Tim O’BrienDid not send a response.