David Rooks

VEC Candidate Statement

I’m seeking re-election as an independent candidate. I’ve lived on the Island for 24-years and with my wife raised our two daughters here. I recognise our community wishes to keep our island home a special place to reside and visit. As such I will continue to protect and enhance our natural environment, remain steadfast on maintaining our town boundaries, and push for a network of pedestrian and cycling paths across the Island. I’m proud, as part of last terms Councillor group, we achieved record capital investment, a 125% increase from the previous term. Furthermore, we delivered our much loved Berninneit Cultural Centre and supported the Phillip Island landscape with the Urban Forest Strategy to re vegetate our townships. I work locally as Centre Manager at Phillip Island Community and Learning Centre (PICAL) and further maintain my strong links with community through 18 years service as chair of the following Phillip Island groups: Kindergarten, Scouts, Tennis and currently Landcare and Phillip Island Land Alliance. I care for our community and I’m enthusiastic to continue providing experienced and strategic leadership as an Island Ward Councillor for the betterment of all. More information at david-rooks.webnode.page

What is your vision for the municipality of Bass Coast Shire Council? (maximum 50 words)

A resilient community who are connected to, and experience a sense of belonging to their local area. A community living and working sustainably, who give back to their environment increasing biodiversity and habitat levels.

In addition to the above, you can view this candidate’s responses to the following information requests by clicking the link:

Council Watch QuestionnaireIsland Voice QuestionsVEC Questionnaire and answers
Not answeredSee answers hereClick here